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    the state of contentment regardless of life’s blunders.

    Hapsiness is a state of mind we hope you’re able to achieve with a little dose of Hapsy products. It’s the ability to roll with the punches. It’s a way to move through life with a little less tension and a little more “bless it all!”. It’s an approach to the ups and downs of life with a move forward attitude — all while remembering that we deserve self-care, love, and a safe environment. We all need a little help to get through the tough moments of life. For us, Hapsy products help to keep the pep in our step. When you try a Hapsy product, we hope you’ll experience a little dose of hapsiness too.

    A State of Hapsiness

    When you give it, you feel it. We not only want you to reach hapsiness — we want to help you spread it. So, we partnered with an organization that is close to our Founder’s heart — Giving Kitchen.

    Every purchase of Hapsy =
    $1 donation to Giving Kitchen

    Find out why we love this organization
    giving kitchen | hapsiness
    giving kitchen | hapsiness

    Giving Kitchen provides crisis mitigation for food service workers through financial support and a network of community resources.

    How Hapsy Gives Back

    Where we come from, we have a reverence and respect for the history made here and the challenges that have been overcome with the help from community. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?”, and we take that to heart everyday. One way Hapsy does for others is by giving back to an organization called Giving Kitchen. Giving Kitchen provides crisis mitigation for food service workers through financial support and a network of community resources.

    So many people rely on the food service industry to feed their families — from behind and in front of the counter. With little to no protection for those that need to take time away from their food service job due to their health, wellness, family, or another reason, many suffer job loss, or food instability due to loss of income. There should be support in place to ensure they can take the time off they need, continue to pay their bills and feed their families, and return to work safely. That’s why Giving Kitchen is such a great organization, and the reason we stand beside them as a business sponsor. For every Hapsy purchase made, we donate $1 to the Giving Kitchen. Everyone needs help at some point, and we are happy to lend a hand. This is our way of “doing for others” with the help of Giving Kitchen.


    Show us your Hapsiness #behapsy